First try in doing comic stuff like this. Thanks to Brutpaul for all his batreps and great inspiration (You have to start posting again, please!). Also thanks to Spacejacker for posting his brilliant city board I have tried to reproduce here!
Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2019
The Amazing Adventures of Petunia S.
I might have found a new toy for the weeks to come...
First try in doing comic stuff like this. Thanks to Brutpaul for all his batreps and great inspiration (You have to start posting again, please!). Also thanks to Spacejacker for posting his brilliant city board I have tried to reproduce here!
First try in doing comic stuff like this. Thanks to Brutpaul for all his batreps and great inspiration (You have to start posting again, please!). Also thanks to Spacejacker for posting his brilliant city board I have tried to reproduce here!
Samstag, 18. Mai 2019
Sci Fi Outpost
I am expanding my Sci Fi terrain and I have finished another 4Ground 15mm Jesserai building and two more shacks from Ground Zero Games. I have bought enough to built a whole city (Silly, silly me! *sigh*), but for now I can only put together a small outpost. Everything will fit in a nice box, in 28mm I would have had to get another room.

Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2019
It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.
My human mercenary warband for SoBaH and other fantasy skirmishes. Lead by a fallen knight and a battlemage they'll do whatever you pay them for. Swordsmen, Archers and a half-civilized ogre deliver the necessary muscle. I might add some mounted guys and dogs, but for the moment I'm happy. All figures are Demonworld, the ogre is from Alternative Armies.

Dienstag, 7. Mai 2019
Something to die for
Back from holidays and hopefully doing much more posts in the weeks to come. I finished some new terrain features and Demonworld Mercenaries defending them. The houses are from Alternative Armies - a little bit on the small side, but I'm happy with them. Finally something that makes a good objective to destroy or protect.
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Five Leagues from Gotburg - Part 1
It's batrep time.