Samstag, 18. Mai 2019
Sci Fi Outpost
I am expanding my Sci Fi terrain and I have finished another 4Ground 15mm Jesserai building and two more shacks from Ground Zero Games. I have bought enough to built a whole city (Silly, silly me! *sigh*), but for now I can only put together a small outpost. Everything will fit in a nice box, in 28mm I would have had to get another room.

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Five Leagues from Gotburg - Part 1
It's batrep time.
Makes me want to land my Firefly nearby so the crew can have a few drinks ;)
AntwortenLöschenHell yeah! The bill is on me!
LöschenThat turned out really nice!
AntwortenLöschenI didn't know those buildings. They look sharp. Do you know the ones from Iliada?
AntwortenLöschenGreat outpost, ready to be overrun by Road gangs 😁!
AntwortenLöschenI've been thinking about doing an 'Across the Death Earth' campaign (together with many, many other projects) in 15mm and this would fit in perfectly.
Those are excellent looking kits!
AntwortenLöschenNice work Skully,
AntwortenLöschenKeep it up